Friday, February 22, 2013

相撲 SUMO!!!!!

...the famous national sport of Japan...

Life as a sumo wrestler is very strict and the wrestlers, known as rikishi, are required to live within training stables, and mostly lead a very traditional japanese lifestyle.

During the commencement of a bout, salt is thrown out into the ring as a kind of blessing. The arena is seen, by the japanese society, as a sacred place and is treated as such.

Rikishi live a life of borderline poverty, with the lowest tier of wrestler earning a mere $11,000 per year ( minimum wage in the US averages about $14,000 poer year.) Granted, their salaries are deducted due to both their food and residence being provided for by whatever stable there are affiliated with.

Random Sumo Graffiti/advertisement

Sumo also wear a ceremonial decorative robe called a kesho-mawashi, which reflect the rikishi's mind set, fighting style, character , honor, culture of origin, or at times, their sponsor (just google "hello kitty sumo", you'll see what I mean) 

-That's it for this week


Thursday, February 14, 2013

花見- HANAMI- Flower Viewing

From March until May, people all throughout Japan gather to parks and gardens to view and celebrate the short-lived blooming of cherry blossoms, or sakura.

People gather in hordes, celebrating, having parties, and picnics. Sometimes these festivities will continue into the late late evening, with the sounds of music and revelry echoing through the night.

Customary meals prepared during this event include bento boxes (pre-cooked japanese meals, akin to what you would find in the deli section of wal-mart) and more importantly, dango, japanese dumplings on a stick. Dango is served in different varieties during different times of the year, and the type served on this occasion is pink, white and green dango.

If you want to try and have a taste of the Japanese spring time tradition yourself, please watch the video below:

Friday, February 1, 2013


As this blog will be including anything and everything even remotely related to Japan, I figured here is a good place to start. I present to you:


...Yeah....not that crappy little block of stale, weaved "ramen".. the real stuff...

Not This...


While "Cup of Noodles" and microwavable brands may be a popular, cheap, quick fix for college students (or any other low income individual for that matter), the originally chinese dish is immensely popular in Japan, with an entire restaurant industry devoted to its production, consumption....and worship.

If you so desire, feel free to (attempt) to create your own dish: